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Obec Česká Kubice > Fotovoltaická elektrárna Folmava s.r.o.

Basic info

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    Type of Organizations established by self-government (of legal entities of the region):
    Legal form of Organizations established by self-government (of legal entities of the region):
společnost s ručením omezeným
(1) Oficial office name:
Fotovoltaická elektrárna Folmava s.r.o.
(4) Seat address:
Dolní Folmava 82
34532 Česká Kubice
(4) Post address:
--- unlisted ---
(5) Bank details:
--- unlisted ---
(6) IN:
(7) VAT IN:
    Municipality code:
   Zkratka subjektu:
(4) Email:
--- unlisted ---
(4) WWW:
--- unlisted ---
(4) Phone:
--- unlisted ---
    Office hours:
--- unlisted ---
garant: mikulecky@kr-plzensky, last change: 28.01.2013 12:56:06


Numbers of items represent points according to a 17-point-scheme of Bulletin no. 7/2001 published by ÚVIS. This data fulfil the legal obligation for public administration by Act no. 106/1999 Coll., on free access to information.

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