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Městská část Praha-Královice

Other info

 (2) Way of founding:
Původně zákon č. 148/1990 Sb. o hl.m. Praze, nyní zákon č. 131/2000 Sb. o hl.m. Praze a vyhláška č. 55/2000 Sb. hl.m. Prahy, kterou se vydává Statut hl.m. Prahy
(8.2) Budget for this year and last year:
--- unlisted ---
 (9) Source of info:
--- unlisted ---
(10) Complaints:
--- unlisted ---
(11) Legal remedies:
--- unlisted ---
(12) Forms:
--- unlisted ---
(13) solving of the so-called life situations of a citizen:
--- unlisted ---
(14) Orders:
--- unlisted ---
(15) Fees and payments:
--- unlisted ---
(17) Annual report:
--- unlisted ---
garant: czechpoint@cz, last change: 12.03.2012 16:15:30

Historization (status on the date )


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